| This is not the official site, only my creation. |
 | A link to my company's chainmail site, please buy something! Chainmail is medievil armor made out of steel rings attached together. We have made numerous products and have even shipped products as far as Germany. We make products customed to how you want them. Some items include shirts, helmets and jewelry. There are pictures on the site to show you what everything is. Please, we need work!!! |
Facts of Life | A compilation of sayings...read it...you might learn something. |
Luftwaffe | The best airforce of its time. |
 | This is just a small collection of my photography... |
Bells and Whistles Graphics | This is where I found a bunch of images, and animations. They also can help you with HTML if you need it. Go there and click their advertisements...help them earn money. |
 | Hmmm....self explanitory... |